Xreal Beam Pro Review: Promising AR Features But Lacks Power

The Xreal Beam Pro Has Good Ideas About AR — But Not Enough Juice

Xreal Beam Pro Image

There are two possible paths for augmented reality devices. One path is the all-in-one approach, which you might call the smartphone path or the Vision Pro Path: you buy a full-fledged single device with everything you need, and when you need an upgrade, you buy a new one. The other path is the unbundled one: your AR system might be lots of devices rather than just one, and you’ll upgrade and swap things in as you need them. That path is more like building a home theater system than buying a new iPhone.

The Xreal Beam Pro, which I’ve been testing for the last couple of weeks, is a big bet on unbundling. It’s a $199 Android device that looks and works like a smartphone but is intended to be used mostly as a companion to Xreal’s AR…

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source: https://www.theverge.com/2024/7/16/24199117/xreal-beam-pro-review-ar-glasses

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