AI Dating App Aimed at Preventing STIs Shut Down

The App That Promised to ‚Use AI to Weed Out Daters With STI‘ Has Been Shut Down

Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

The App that Promised to ‘Use AI to Weed Out Daters with STI’ Has Been Shut Down

Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

HeHealth’s AI-powered Calmara app claimed, “Our innovative AI technology offers rapid, confidential, and scientifically validated sexual health screening, giving you peace of mind before diving into intimate encounters,” but now it’s shut down after an inquiry by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

The app prompted daters to submit dick pics to check for sexually transmitted diseases, promising “clear, science-backed answers about your partner’s sexual health status,” according to an FTC letter dated July 11th. The letter lays out some of the agency’s concerns with the information HeHealth relied on for claims, including one saying that it could detect more than ten sexually transmitted infections with up to 94 percent accuracy.

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