About me

Hey I’m Alex, a passionate 36 year-old iOS developer.

My goal since childhood has been to work with computers and brand new technology, so of course I studied computer science for my Bachelors degree.

Mobile devices were always fascinating to me. I have wanted to work with iPhones since holding the first iPhone device in my hands in 2007. Since Apple released the first iPhone SDK, I have taken advantage of every opportunity to collaborate on iPhone projects and enrolled in every mobile class offered during my studies.

Since then, I have developed many apps for companies such as

Süddeutsche Zeitung (Germany’s largest newspaper),

GINI (used by the majority of German banks for their mobile apps),

ProsiebenSat1 / Maxdome (Germany’s version of Netflix),

Jochen Schweizer (a popular adventure and travel booking company),

Linkdesk (one of the first companies to develop an app for Homekit devices),

Autoscout24 (europe’s biggest car selling platform),

EnBW (one of the largest power supply companies in Germany, helping to develop an app for their engineers.)

and MediaMarktSaturn (largest consumer electronics seller in europe, developing the iOS online store app)

Currently i’m working for Kaia Health trying to bring app therapy to those who need it (e.g. Backpain, COPD). We a trying to achieve this by using the latest technology including AI, ML, Deep learning

I also founded a company 2010 with a friend to create an app called MyDoc, for which we developed an algorithm to determine a patient’s possible diseases based on their answers to a series of questions.

To get more information about me and my projects, please visit the Portfolio section section of my website or checkout my social networking profiles below.

As of 2019 i’m also working on my first cross platform flutter projects, written in dart and developed for both android and iphone devices, details to be found soon in my Portfolio section.


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