EU Regulations: AI Companies Brace for Compliance Countdown

The Compliance Countdown for AI Companies Operating in the EU

The Compliance Countdown has Started for AI Companies Operating in the EU

Illustration by Cath Virginia / The Verge | Photos by Getty Images

The AI Act is a sweeping set of rules for technology companies operating in the EU, which bans certain uses of AI tools and puts transparency requirements on developers. The law officially passed in March after two years of back and forth and includes several phases for compliance that will happen in waves.

Now that the full text has been published, it officially starts the clock for compliance deadlines that companies must meet. The AI Act will come into law in 20 days, on August 1st, and future deadlines will be tied to that date.

The new law prohibits certain uses for AI, and those bans are part of the first deadline. The AI Act bans application uses “that threaten citizens’ rights,” like biometric categorization to deduce…

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