How OpenAI Determines the Power of Its AI Systems

OpenAI’s Path to AGI: Understanding the Levels

Here’s how OpenAI will determine how powerful its AI systems are

Illustration: The Verge

OpenAI has created an internal scale to track the progress its large language models are making toward artificial general intelligence, or AI with human-like intelligence, a spokesperson told Bloomberg.

Today’s chatbots, like ChatGPT, are at Level 1. OpenAI claims it is nearing Level 2, defined as a system that can solve basic problems at the level of a person with a PhD. Level 3 refers to AI agents capable of taking actions on a user’s behalf. Level 4 involves AI that can create new innovations. Level 5, the final step to achieving AGI, is AI that can perform the work of entire organizations of people. OpenAI has previously defined AGI as “a highly autonomous system surpassing humans in most economically valuable tasks.”


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