„The Making of Eno: The First Generative Feature Film“

The Making of Eno: The First Generative Feature Film

The Making of Eno: The First Generative Feature Film

Director Gary Hustwit tells us about his living documentary and the technology that changes it for every screening.

First Film Corp
Image: First Film Corp.

In a groundbreaking development in the world of cinema, director Gary Hustwit has embarked on an ambitious and pioneering project: Eno, the world’s first generative feature film. This living documentary employs cutting-edge technology to ensure that no two screenings are ever the same.

Continue reading to find out more about the revolutionary methods Hustwit has utilized to bring this innovative concept to life, and how it promises to challenge and transform traditional storytelling in the film industry.

source: https://www.theverge.com/24197153/eno-documentary-generative-film-gary-hustwit-interview

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