Up Close and Personal with Space Junk: Exploring the Problems and Solutions

Getting up close and personal with space junk

These photographs of a discarded H-2A rocket upper stage were taken at a distance of just 50 meters. | Image: Astroscale

We’re getting a close look at some of the space junk that’s floating in space thanks to Tokyo-based company Astroscale Japan. New images taken from a distance of just 50 meters, show the discarded upper stage of a Japanese H-2A rocket that’s currently trapped in Earth’s orbit. They were taken by Astroscale’s Active Debris Removal (ADRAS-J) satellite following the spacecraft’s first fly-around observation of the debris.

ADRAS-J was launched on February 18th with the goal of collecting observational data that can be used to eventually remove large-scale space junk from orbit. The satellite has been monitoring the rocket’s upper stage for several months. The images were released after a test of the craft’s autonomous collision avoidance…

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source: https://www.theverge.com/2024/7/12/24197023/astroscale-adras-j-discarded-space-junk-mission-images

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