ver.di Protests at Dresden Apple Store: „Talk to Us Now!“

ver.di at the Apple Store Dresden: „Talk to Us!“

ver.di at the Apple Store Dresden: „Talk to Us!“

What was observed last Friday in front of the Dresden Altmarkt-Galerie was not a labor union action in the strictest sense, but it can be understood as a clear signal from the same direction. Representatives from the union ver.di offered local employees an „active break“ accompanied by informational offerings to lend additional weight to the demands raised by the store employees.

80% Signed the Petition

The majority of the employees at the Dresden Apple Store signed a petition and, with the support of the union ver.di, presented it to the local management. In the petition, the employees demand the retrospective payment of the inflation compensation premium, discussions about the introduction of a 32-hour workweek, and more transparency regarding wages, supplementary bonuses, and regularly conducted employee evaluations.

Apple’s management rejected these demands, merely stating that they believe there is no need for improvement in the stores and that they prefer to stick to individual solutions. This feedback was met with incomprehension by both employees and union representatives alike.

Apple Does Not Respond to Demands

As Jens Uhlig, the responsible union secretary for the regional district of Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, and Thuringia, stated to, ver.di views the active break very positively. The response from the employees had already shown that there is a noticeable sense of solidarity among the colleagues. Many employees are ready to stand together to support their demands.

ver.di has now further underscored this willingness with the active break. The colleagues on-site do not want to be ignored any longer and demand a serious engagement with their concerns — yet, a feedback from Apple has still been lacking.

Should Apple continue to ignore the demands of the employees, union engagement is likely to increase, not just in Dresden.

We will keep an eye on the matter.


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