
WorkoutGPT is a workout app based on Chat GPT. It uses LargeLanguageModels to create the workout plan, food plan and provides a virtual personal trainer (Chat). Also the images in the app are all generated by ChatGPT (Dalle2)

How does it work ? The app collects your personal data like age, gender and diets, uses this information and requests a workout plan from ChatGPT, so its as personalized to you as possible.

. The food plan considers your diet and age
. The workout plan considers your age and gender
. And even the image generation is based on your gender and age


The app made it to the appstore on 17th of October 2023. Here is the link

Entwickler: Alexander Deutsch
Preis: 5,99 €

Beta Testing (Testflight iOS)

You can try it out joining the beta in Testflight

Screenshots (WIP):

Chat Icon

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