Matter 1.2 Update Introduces Vacuum Robots but No Cameras

Matter 1.2 brings robot vacuum cleaners but no cameras


The latest update to the Matter smart home project, version 1.2, brings a host of new features and improvements. One of the notable additions is support for robot vacuum cleaners, allowing users to control and monitor their smart cleaning devices from their smartphones or other compatible devices. However, despite the excitement surrounding this update, it is important to note that Matter 1.2 does not include support for security cameras. This limitation has left some smart home enthusiasts disappointed, as they were hoping to see camera integration in this release.

New Features for Robot Vacuum Cleaners

With the release of Matter 1.2, users now have the ability to connect and control their robot vacuum cleaners directly through the Matter app. This means less reliance on individual brand apps and a more streamlined experience for managing smart cleaning devices. Users can now easily schedule cleaning sessions, set cleaning preferences, and monitor the status of their robot vacuum cleaners all from one central location.

Robot vacuum cleaner manufacturers will also benefit from this update, as Matter compatibility will allow them to reach a wider audience with their products. This increased compatibility can lead to greater market adoption and more innovation in the robot vacuum cleaner space.

The Absence of Camera Support

Despite the positive developments in robot vacuum cleaner integration, Matter 1.2 has disappointed some users by not including support for security cameras. Many smart home enthusiasts were eagerly awaiting camera integration, as security has always been a top priority in the home automation space.

However, it is important to note that the omission of camera support in this release does not mean that it will never be added to the Matter project. The Matter Working Group, an industry consortium driving the development of the project, has stated that camera support is on their roadmap for future releases. So while smart home enthusiasts may have to wait a bit longer for camera integration, it is still a possibility in the near future.


Matter 1.2 brings exciting new features and improvements to the smart home ecosystem, particularly in the realm of robot vacuum cleaners. Users now have a more convenient and centralized way of managing their smart cleaning devices. However, the absence of camera support has left some users disappointed. Despite this setback, the Matter Working Group has expressed their intention to introduce camera support in future releases, giving hope to those eagerly awaiting this feature.

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