Apple Vision Pro: User Manual and Essential Usage Information

Apple Vision Pro: User Manual and Essential Usage Information

The Apple Vision Pro officially goes on sale today at 9 AM in Germany. Whether you’re actually going to get the goggles or are just curious about them, Apple has now updated its online presence in Germany with some crucial resources on the topic.

However, the availability of these resources doesn’t guarantee that they are in German. While Apple Germany does offer an online manual for the Vision Pro, it hasn’t deemed it necessary to provide the information in German, either timely for the start of sales or even better, at the beginning of pre-orders two weeks ago.

At least, the most critical support documents for the Apple Vision Pro have been updated in German at the last minute. If you encounter issues using the Vision Pro, the following three support documents may be especially helpful:

Last-Minute Demo Appointments Still Available

For a general introduction to the Vision Pro technology and its capabilities, take a look at the information provided by Apple under the „Guided Tour“ section.

Even better, if you have an Apple Store nearby, you can try the headset yourself, and the demand for this seems to remain manageable. In most German Apple stores, there are still free appointments available for today and tomorrow.

You can find the booking page here, and you should allot about 30 minutes for the demo in the Apple Store.

Preview of visionOS 2

Although the user manual for the Vision Pro hasn’t been translated, Apple has already introduced the preview page for the upcoming visionOS 2 update due this fall. The impressive number of new features and improvements listed here is likely intended to counteract the dwindling interest in the device. Reports from the USA yesterday indicated that sales figures have drastically dropped there.


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