Sketch: Back in the Mac App Store after nearly 10 years

Sketch: Back in the Mac App Store after almost 10 years

After an absence of nearly a decade, the popular design software, Sketch, has made its return to the Mac App Store. The move comes as a surprise to many, as the company had previously decided to distribute its software exclusively through its own website.

The Reason for the Departure

In 2012, Sketch made the decision to leave the Mac App Store in order to have more control over its software distribution and to provide a better experience for its users. The company cited limitations imposed by Apple’s sandboxing policies as the main reason behind its departure.

Sandboxing is a security feature that restricts the access and privileges of an application, preventing it from interacting with other applications or the operating system in potentially harmful ways. While sandboxing is an important security measure, it can also pose limitations on the functionality and capabilities of certain applications.

The Return to the Mac App Store

Now, after several years of improvements and advancements in Apple’s software distribution policies, Sketch has decided to give the Mac App Store another chance. The company believes that the current environment is more favorable for its software and for the experience it wants to provide to its users.

With the return to the Mac App Store, Sketch aims to reach a wider audience and make its software more accessible to both new and existing customers. By leveraging the Mac App Store’s features, such as automatic updates and simplified installation, Sketch hopes to streamline the user experience and provide a more seamless software distribution process.

The Impact on Users and the Design Community

The return of Sketch to the Mac App Store has generated excitement and curiosity among users and the design community alike. Many long-time users who were accustomed to purchasing and updating Sketch directly from the company’s website will now have the option to do so through the Mac App Store.

The move is also expected to attract new users who prefer the convenience and security of the Mac App Store. With the ability to easily discover and install Sketch, more designers and creative professionals may choose to give the software a try.

Furthermore, the return of Sketch to the Mac App Store is seen as a positive development for the design community as a whole. It reinforces Apple’s commitment to supporting and promoting high-quality design software on its platform, and it sets a precedent for other developers to consider returning to the Mac App Store.

Closing Summary

The return of Sketch to the Mac App Store marks a significant milestone for the popular design software. After nearly 10 years of distributing its software exclusively through its own website, Sketch has decided to take advantage of the improved software distribution policies and reach a wider audience through the Mac App Store. This move is expected to benefit both existing users and the design community as a whole, while also showcasing Apple’s commitment to supporting quality design software on its platform.


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