Can iPhone in the same room prevent shortcuts on HomePod?

Disabling Shortcuts on HomePod Using iPhone in the Same Room

Many HomePod users have been wondering whether it is possible to disable Siri shortcuts on their device using their iPhone when both devices are in the same room. Let’s explore this topic and find out if it is indeed possible.

The Relationship Between HomePod and iPhone

The HomePod and iPhone have a close relationship, allowing users to control the HomePod using their iPhone. Through the HomePod settings in the Home app on the iPhone, users can manage various features and options for their HomePod. This includes enabling or disabling Siri shortcuts for the device.

Disabling Shortcuts on HomePod

To disable Siri shortcuts on your HomePod, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the Home app on your iPhone.
  2. Select the Home icon at the top left corner of the screen.
  3. Scroll through the list of available accessories until you find your HomePod.
  4. Tap and hold on your HomePod to access its settings.
  5. Scroll down and tap on „Siri“ under the „Voice & Data“ section.
  6. You will now see options to enable or disable Siri shortcuts for your HomePod. Toggle the switch to disable shortcuts.

Following these steps, you can effectively disable Siri shortcuts on your HomePod. However, it is important to note that this change only applies to the specific HomePod you are managing through the Home app on your iPhone.

The Impact of the Same Room Scenario

When both your iPhone and HomePod are in the same room, it is natural to wonder if disabling Siri shortcuts on your iPhone will also prevent them from triggering on your HomePod. Unfortunately, the answer is no.

Disabling Siri shortcuts on your iPhone will only affect the Siri functionality on your iPhone itself. It will not stop Siri shortcuts from being triggered on your HomePod when using voice commands directly with the device.


While you can disable Siri shortcuts on your HomePod using your iPhone through the Home app, this change does not affect the HomePod’s ability to execute Siri shortcuts when using voice commands directly. If you want to prevent Siri shortcuts from being triggered on your HomePod, you will need to manage the settings directly on the device itself.


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