How to Set Apple Podcasts and Apple Music as Default on Echo Devices

Setting Apple Podcasts and Apple Music as Standard for Echo Devices


In recent years, smart home devices have become increasingly popular, with Amazon’s Echo range being at the forefront of this technology. With its voice-controlled smart assistant, Alexa, Echo devices offer a wide range of features and integrations, making them a staple in many households. While Alexa has its own default music and podcast services, it is also possible to set Apple Podcasts and Apple Music as the standard options on your Echo device. This article will guide you through the process of setting up Apple Podcasts and Apple Music as the default services for your Echo device.

Setting Up Apple Podcasts as the Default Podcast Service

Step 1: Install the Apple Podcasts Skill

To get started, make sure you have the Amazon Alexa app installed on your smartphone or tablet. Open the app and tap on the menu icon in the top-left corner. From there, select „Skills & Games“ to access the Alexa Skills Store. In the search bar, enter „Apple Podcasts“ and look for the official Apple Podcasts skill. Tap on it to open the skill’s page, and then click on the „Enable“ button to add it to your Echo device.

Step 2: Link Your Apple ID

Once the skill is enabled, you will need to link your Apple ID to use Apple Podcasts. To do this, sign in with your Apple ID and password when prompted. Once linked, you will have access to your subscribed podcasts, recommended episodes, and more.

Step 3: Set Apple Podcasts as the Default

To set Apple Podcasts as the default podcast service, open the Alexa app and go to the settings menu by tapping on the menu icon in the top-left corner. From there, select „Settings“ and then choose your Echo device from the list. Scroll down to the section labeled „Music & Podcasts“ and tap on it. Select „Default Services“ and choose „Apple Podcasts“ from the options provided. Once selected, Apple Podcasts will be the default podcast service on your Echo device.

Setting Up Apple Music as the Default Music Service

Step 1: Install the Apple Music Skill

Just like with Apple Podcasts, you will need to install the Apple Music skill on your Alexa app. Open the app, go to the skills store, and search for „Apple Music.“ Find the official Apple Music skill and enable it on your Echo device.

Step 2: Link Your Apple Music Account

Once the skill is enabled, you will need to link your Apple Music account. Sign in with your Apple ID and password when prompted. After linking your account, you will have access to your music library, playlists, and more.

Step 3: Set Apple Music as the Default

To make Apple Music the default music service on your Echo device, open the Alexa app and go to the settings menu. Select your Echo device and scroll down to the „Music & Podcasts“ section. Tap on it and then choose „Default Services.“ Select „Apple Music“ from the options provided, and you’re all set.


Setting Apple Podcasts and Apple Music as the default services on your Echo device is a simple and straightforward process. By following these steps, you can enjoy your favorite podcasts and music seamlessly on your Echo device. Whether you want to catch up on the latest episode of your favorite podcast or play your personalized playlists, having Apple Podcasts and Apple Music as the default options will enhance your smart home experience with Alexa. So go ahead, give it a try, and enjoy the best of Apple and Amazon together.

(Note: The steps mentioned above are subject to change based on software updates. Please refer to the official documentation or support channels for the most up-to-date instructions.)

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