Kuo’s Prediction: iPhones Won’t Use RCC for Thinner Circuit Boards Until 2025

Kuo: iPhones Won’t Adopt RCC for Thinner Circuit Boards Until 2025


According to analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, known for his accurate Apple predictions, iPhones will not adopt a new technology called Resin-Coated Copper (RCC) for thinner circuit boards until 2025. This news comes as a surprise to many, as RCC was expected to be implemented in the near future to make iPhones even thinner and more compact. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind this delay and the potential impact on iPhone design and functionality.

The Delay in Adopting RCC

Kuo explains that the delay in adopting RCC in iPhones is due to various technical challenges and limitations. RCC is a material that combines resin and copper, allowing for ultra-thin and lightweight circuit boards. However, it requires a high level of precision and expertise in manufacturing, which Apple is still working on perfecting. Additionally, there are concerns about the durability and reliability of RCC, as it may not provide the same level of robustness as traditional circuit board materials.

Another factor contributing to the delay is the need for extensive testing and validation. Apple takes quality control seriously and wants to ensure that any new technology meets its strict standards before implementing it in its flagship product. This thorough testing process takes time and may result in further refinements and improvements before RCC can be deemed suitable for iPhone production.

Impact on iPhone Design

The adoption of RCC in iPhones would have a significant impact on their design. RCC enables circuit boards to be thinner, which would potentially allow for even slimmer iPhones in the future. Thinner circuit boards also free up valuable internal space, which could be used for other components or to increase battery capacity.

In addition to the physical benefits, RCC could also improve the performance of iPhones. The lightweight nature of RCC reduces the overall weight of the device, making it more comfortable to hold and carry. It may also have thermal benefits, dissipating heat more efficiently and improving overall device performance.

However, the delay in adopting RCC means that consumers will have to wait a bit longer for these design enhancements. Until then, Apple will continue to explore alternative methods and materials to make iPhones thinner and lighter without compromising on quality and reliability.

Closing Summary

Although RCC was expected to revolutionize iPhone design and make them even thinner, it seems that Apple is not quite ready to implement this technology. Technical challenges, durability concerns, and extensive testing have led to a delay in adopting RCC in iPhones until 2025. While this may disappoint some consumers who were eagerly anticipating slimmer iPhones, it also demonstrates Apple’s commitment to ensuring the highest level of quality and performance. In the meantime, we can expect Apple to continue pushing the boundaries of design and exploring alternative methods to make iPhones even more impressive.
source: https://www.macrumors.com/2023/10/12/rcc-thinner-circuit-boards-2025/

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