„Threads app rumored to introduce trending topics feature: What to expect“

Trending topics feature may be coming to the Threads app

Facebook-owned messaging app Instagram is reportedly testing a new feature called „Trending topics“ for its standalone app, Threads. The feature aims to keep users engaged by providing real-time updates on popular conversations and topics happening within the app. This move is in line with Instagram’s ongoing efforts to enhance user experience and compete with other popular messaging apps.

The potential introduction of the „Trending topics“ feature is aimed at creating a more dynamic environment within the Threads app. This feature will allow users to stay informed and engaged with the most relevant and popular conversations happening on the platform. By highlighting trending topics, Threads can help users discover new content and engage in discussions that match their interests.

How will the feature work?

According to reports, Threads will display a list of trending topics based on user engagement and activity. Users will have the option to click on a topic and view related posts and conversations. This will allow them to participate in discussions or explore the content shared within the topic. It will also enable users to connect with others who have similar interests, fostering a sense of community within the app.

The introduction of the „Trending topics“ feature aligns with Instagram’s overall strategy to keep users engaged and connected. By displaying trending conversations, Instagram aims to create a more interactive user experience, encouraging increased usage and fostering a sense of belonging among its users.

Competition in the messaging app market

Instagram’s Threads app faces intense competition from other messaging apps such as WhatsApp, Messenger, and Snapchat. The introduction of the „Trending topics“ feature is a strategic move to attract and retain users, offering them a unique and engaging experience.

By staying updated on popular conversations and topics, Threads users will have access to real-time information and discussions that are relevant to their interests. This will provide users with a reason to choose the app over its competitors and encourage them to spend more time engaging with the platform.


With the reported testing of the „Trending topics“ feature in the Threads app, Instagram is taking a proactive step in enhancing user engagement and experience. By providing real-time updates on popular conversations and topics, Threads aims to create a dynamic and interactive environment that keeps users engaged and connected.

This move reflects Instagram’s dedication to competing with other messaging apps by offering unique features that cater to its user base. The potential introduction of the „Trending topics“ feature will provide users with a reason to choose Threads over its competitors, fostering a sense of community and belonging within the app.

As Instagram continues to innovate, it will be interesting to see how the „Trending topics“ feature evolves and how users respond to this new addition to the Threads app.

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