Humane Seeks Buyer After Disappointing Launch of AI Pin

## Humane: Seeking a Buyer After the AI Pin’s Underwhelming Debut

**Photo by Amelia Holowaty Krales / The Verge**

Humane, once touted as the next big player in wearable tech, is now seeking a buyer following the lackluster reception of its AI Pin wearable computer. According to a recent Bloomberg report, the startup—led by ex-Apple veterans Imran Chaudhri and Bethany Bongiorno—is hoping to fetch a price between $750 million and $1 billion.

### A Rocky Start

The AI Pin, which hit the market at a steep $699, failed to impress critics and users alike. Its introduction was marred by complaints of slow response times and a subpar user experience, stark deviations from what its founders had promised. The high hopes of delivering an always-on, wearable AI assistant that would liberate users from their smartphones went largely unmet.

### The Vision vs. Reality

The initial vision was compelling: a device to help people remain present and reduce their overwhelming reliance on smartphones. It was supposed to be a leap forward in making technology seamlessly integrate into our lives. However, the reality has revealed a significant gap between ambition and execution.

### What Went Wrong?

Various tech reviewers have highlighted multiple issues with the AI Pin, ranging from inadequate performance to a less-than-intuitive user interface. These shortcomings are particularly problematic for a device meant to offer an always-available, smart assistant experience.

Given the public critique and the high price tag, convincing potential buyers to invest in Humane might prove challenging.

### Future Prospects

Despite the rocky debut, it’s worth noting that Humane still holds some valuable assets. The founders’ pedigree, the company’s intellectual property, and the potential for future product iterations could be enticing for the right buyer. Investors might see an opportunity for refinement and eventual success in a market that’s still evolving.

### Conclusion

Humane’s journey serves as a pertinent reminder of the challenges in bringing innovative tech products to market. While the AI Pin hasn’t lived up to its initial promise, the company’s underlying vision still holds potential. It remains to be seen who will step in to possibly turn that vision into a more successful reality.

For more updates on this story and other tech news, stay tuned.

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