Web Tip: allekinos.de Shows Movie Listings for All of Germany

**Discover Every Movie Screening in Germany with allekinos.de**

In our ongoing quest to share useful web links, we’re thrilled to introduce you to allekinos.de. This movie program overview site, born from the ingenuity of German web developer Nikita Prokopov, aims to deliver a comprehensive and user-friendly experience for cinema enthusiasts across Germany.

**Focused on Maximum Information Density**

Unlike the labyrinthine menus of many existing movie aggregator websites, allekinos.de boasts a simple table view designed to maximize information density. By stripping away unnecessary clutter that plagues most sites in this category, it offers a refreshing alternative.

This lightweight, no-nonsense approach was inspired by the current state of cinema aggregators, which are often riddled with ads and complicated navigation systems.

**Every Screening in Every Cinema**

allekinos.de adopts a unique strategy: displaying every single film screening in every cinema across Germany in one extensive HTML table. Users can effortlessly search this table using their browser’s search function, making complex interfaces and navigation menus obsolete.

The core feature of allekinos.de is its rapid filtering capability. You can filter the displayed content by city, district, cinema, genre, and film. The site also provides a list of upcoming premieres.

**Mobile Optimization in Progress**

As of now, allekinos.de isn’t optimized for mobile devices. However, Nikita Prokopov is diligently working on a solution to ensure the mobile version offers the same rich information density as the desktop version, without requiring users to scroll endlessly.

If you enjoy regular visits to your local cinema, be sure to bookmark allekinos.de and give this innovative portal a test drive. It’s an indispensable tool for any movie buff looking to stay up-to-date with every screening in Germany.
source: https://www.ifun.de/web-tipp-allekinos-de-zeigt-kinoprogramm-fuer-ganz-deutschland-232825/

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