Sky Users Beware: Multiscreen Fee Will Be Automatically Deducted

Sky Users Beware: Multiscreen Fee Will Be Automatically Deducted

Two months ago, we reported that the pay-TV provider was harassing paying subscribers with warning letters, accusing them of violating the terms of service. The background to this was the provider’s so-called „Multiscreen Option,“ which must be additionally booked in order to use Sky on mobile devices and additional TVs.

However, already during the first wave of warnings, a large portion of the addressed users were unaware of any violations. Now, Sky is taking it a step further by automatically deducting the additional costs for multiscreen use – even from users who insist they are not using any additional devices.

Since the beginning of the month, numerous Sky customers have been receiving letters like the one pictured above, and the provider is apparently serious about its threat to automatically withdraw the additional multiscreen fees. First users are already reporting that Sky has automatically debited an additional 15 Euros, even though there is no multiscreen usage on their accounts.

The approach of the provider could also be interesting from a legal perspective. Sky grants the addressed users only three days from the date of the letter to object to this payment, classified as an „extension offer.“ This is despite the fact that the provider must be aware that its procedure for detecting unauthorized multiscreen use is definitely flawed.

Cannot Rely on Support Statements

According to user reports, one should not place too much trust in the suggestion to contact Sky via chat or phone if you have any questions. Sky’s support team apparently dismisses customers with standard phrases, stating, for example, that there was a technical problem which has now been resolved, or assuring them that everything is okay with their account. However, according to reports in Sky’s support forum, the additional fees have been automatically debited with the July bill regardless.

If you have an active Sky subscription and have received such letters recently, you should definitely keep an eye on the provider’s upcoming withdrawals. Sky seems particularly interested in finding additional sources of income during the Bundesliga break.

Thanks to Christian


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